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Karoo Crafts




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Philippolis Spinning and Weaving Centre

Seeing the history and the potential of the Karoo and wool; my head was quickly into, that Philippolis is going to have very soon again a spinning and weaving centre. So out came the drawing papers and the head of mine was spinning daily. The main questions were:

Philippolis Spinning Weaving Centre
  • Where and from whom am I going to get wool for the production?
  • Where and from whom am I going to get weaving looms, spinning wheels, tapestry frames ...?

My researches led me to the Cape Guild Of Weavers. Linda Fedder yet again: Thank you for your patients and your at most fantastic support! As well as to all ladies of the Cape Guild Of Weavers for the donations. I really honor your support and will carry every single item with love and respect.

My second question was slightly quicker resolved than the first question. Phone calls, sending enquiries, chatting with several companies and farmers ... oh boy ... at some stage I thought I made a walk into a forest ending up not finding my way back out. Yes, to be honest, the disappointment grew and there were a few days, where I was very close to quit and call this project a day. But then the light came up and with once of a sudden the raw wool was there. Right in front of my door steps. Here a great thanks to Danie Cilliers (Philippolis Abattoir) and Pikkie Cilliers as well as John Kolver (Safaris). There was the raw wool and so question number 1 was resolved.

Philippolis Spinning Weaving Centre

The concentration of work at this stage is totally on washing the raw wool and getting it dried and sorted for the colouring and hand carding; as up to now I haven’t

But then the next problem was lined up already. Let me cut this story short. Yes, since 08. March 2012 four ladies * Celina, Cana, Silvi (from left, clockwise) and Katharina * have brought light into Philippolis Spinning and Weaving Centre. 

Celina, Sana, Silvi

found a drum carder (second hand) to help for a quicker process of carding.

The story of Philippolis Spinning and Weaving Centre to be continued...

Katharina, Sana